Sunday, 24 June 2012


In writing about St John the Baptist, E LeJoly said:

“John the Baptist points to God, a signpost on the way of life, for men to see and obey.  John the Baptist comes as a witness.  Filled with love for God, he has one thought, one concern, one purpose: to direct men’s minds and hearts to the Saviour who comes, to the Light of men, that they may turn to Him and believe in Him.”

In St John’s Gospel we read that John the Baptist “Came to bear witness to the Light.”  LeJoly tells us that John bears witness through his mode of life and through his preaching.  “There is no greater calling than to witness to the Light, that men may believe in Jesus.  The Father sent John to be the herald announcing His Son.  The Holy Spirit inspired him as he inspired the older prophets and the apostles and saints of the New Testament.  They witnessed by their personality, their speech, their life, even unto the shedding of their blood.  They witnessed to Christ under the lash, on the gridiron, chained in prison.  They proclaimed Him the Lord when stoned, bound to crosses, thrown to wild beasts.”

St David Lewis bore witness to Christ by his personality and his mode of life.   He studied at the English College in Rome and an entry in the College Diary describes him as “Vir prudens et pius”, that is “a wise and holy man”.  Later, in his ministry in Wales, he travelled the countryside, usually at night, on foot or on horseback to care for the persecuted Catholics.  But no person, Catholic or otherwise, was outside his love and concern and his kindness to all earned for him the affectionate appellation of “Tad y Tlodion” or “Father of the Poor”.

Like St John the Baptist and the saints and martyrs of the New Testament, St David Lewis bore witness to the Light by the shedding of his blood.  As he prepared to celebrate Mass on Sunday, 17th November 1678, Fr David Lewis was arrested at Llantarnam.  Betrayed by his so called friend, John Arnold, he was conveyed to Monmouth Gaol where he was incarcerated for several months.  Then, on a bitterly cold day in the dead of winter, 13th January 1679, he was moved to Usk Gaol.  At the March Assizes in Monmouth, David Lewis was condemned as a Catholic priest who said Mass.  In passing sentence, Judge Atkins said, “He that uses to read Mass commits treason”.  Convicted of High Treason, Fr Lewis was sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered, the usual punishment for High Treason.  He was returned to Usk Gaol.

In April of 1679, Fr David Lewis, Fr John Kemble, Fr Roger Hanslip and Fr John Wall were ordered to London to be questioned by the odious Titus Oates and his fellow perjurers, William Bedloe and Stephen Dugdale.  The four priests were lodged in vile conditions in Newgate Prison.  Although they were rigorously interrogated by the trio, no evidence of involvement in any plot could be found against them.  Indeed, there was no evidence of a plot at all!  The priests were offered freedom and wealth if they would perjure themselves with details of a nonexistent plot or renounce their faith.  All four priests unequivocally refused.  They were sent back to their respective prisons to await their fate.

For Fr David Lewis S J this came on 27th August 1679.  On that summer day David Lewis gave witness by his holy manner and the courageous way in which he willingly shed his blood for Christ.  The name of St David Lewis was added to the Church’s list of Martyred Saints on 25th October 1970 when he and 39 others were canonised by Pope Paul VI in Rome.  Collectively they are known as the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales.

From the beginnings of Christianity the followers of Jesus have been persecuted.  Right down to the present day, Christians are bearing witness to Christ through persecution and death.  On this feast of St John the Baptist, let us be mindful of the sufferings of our fellow Christians around the world and keep them in our prayers.

Let us also be mindful of our great blessing of freedom of worship.  Never take it for granted! 

Friday, 15 June 2012


Once again I am posting a link to Catholic Culture.  Their page for today deals with the Sacred Heart and they do it far better than I can.  So just click here for the link or you can use the widget on my sidebar.  

Sunday, 10 June 2012


 This took place last year in Preston.  It has generated a bit of controversy but I still think it worth posting today on this feast of Corpus Christi.  What do you think?

Thursday, 7 June 2012


St David Lewis
In March 1679, having been caught up in the fabricated Popish Plot spawned by the evil Titus Oates, Fr David Lewis S J was convicted of being a Catholic priest and saying Mass.  At that time this was considered High Treason.  The punishment for High Treason was to be hanged, drawn and quartered.  Fr Lewis was returned to his cell in Usk Gaol to await his fate. 

In late April 1679 there was a great hullabaloo in Parliament.  Word had been received that there was a plot afoot to poison Oates and his fellow lowlife, Bedloe.  Once again, there was no plot but, as Canon J Barrett Davies tells us, “The Government had not been able to produce any evidence to lend substance to the inventions of Titus Oates, and no doubt they felt it was high time a real Catholic priest was implicated or the commonalty might become as sceptical about the Plot as His Majesty was already known to be”. 

The House of Lords Journal for 28th March 1704 records;

“23 rd April 1679, Upon report from the Lords Committees for Examinations, that their Lordships find it requisite that David Lewis, who hath been tried and condemned as a Popish Priest at the Assizes held for the County of Monmouth, and is now in Gaol there, may be brought to Town.  It is ordered that the Sheriff for the said County of Monmouth be, and is hereby required, to take care and give order for the speedy conveying of the said David Lewis in safety from the said Gaol, to be delivered into the Prison of Newgate; the charges of which service shall be allowed to the said Sheriff upon his Account in the Exchequer.
The like Order for Roger Hanslip, in the Gaol at Gloucester.
The like Order for John Kemble, in the Gaol at Hereford.
The like Order for Francis Johnson, alias Webb, in the Gaol at Worcester.”

Newgate Prison

So it came to pass that on 23rd April Fr David Lewis was ordered to be brought to London for questioning.   He was lodged in the disgusting hellhole that was Newgate Prison.  He was joined there by the three other priests, Fr John Kemble, Fr John Wall O F M (alias Francis Johnson) and Fr Roger Hanslip.   Fr Kemble, an eighty year old secular priest, and Fr Lewis were cousins.  John Wall* and David Lewis had been students together and were old friends. 

St John Kemble

The journey to London was a torturous one for the aged Fr Kemble who suffered from a complaint, possibly arthritis, which made riding practically impossible for him.  Dom Bede Camm says that he made the journey strapped like a pack on the horse.  The four priests were to be examined by Titus Oates and two other miscreants involved in the Plot.  In the House of Lords Journal for 23rd May 1679 we read:
“Oates, Bedloe and Dugdale to visit condemned priests to see if they are any of those whom they knew to be concerned in the (Popish) Plot.”  It continues; 

“ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, that Mr Titus Oates, Mr William Bedloe and Mr Stephen Dugdale be and are hereby appointed to repair to the Prison of Newgate this afternoon, there to see and speak with David Lewis, Roger Hanslip, John Kemble and Francis Johnson, alias Webb, condemned Popish Priests, now prisoners there; and that the said Titus Oates, William Bedloe and Stephen Dugdale do attend the Lords Committees for examining matters relating to the discovery of the late horrid conspiracy tomorrow at nine of the clock in the forenoon to give the said Lords Committees an account whether they know that any of the said Popish Priests have been engaged in the said horrid conspiracy.”

The unholy trio of examiners could find nothing to implicate the priests in any plot and, although the three were ordered to report to the Lords Committees the next day, it appears that only Oates did so.  The priests were then questioned by Lord Shaftsbury who offered each of them life as well as rich rewards if they would reveal something of the Plot or renounce their Catholic faith. 
St John Wall
Shaftsbury had wasted his breath for the priests would neither lie nor apostatize!  On 18th July, John Wall stated in a letter, “I told them I would not buy my life at so dear a rate as to wrong my conscience”.  Fr Lewis, in his last speech on 27th August, said “Discover a plot I could not, for I knew of none, and conform I would not, for it was against my conscience”.

Despite the rigorous interrogation of the four priests, nothing was found to incriminate them.  Therefore, on 28th May, an order was issued to return them to their respective gaols.  Fr Kemble was permitted to walk for most of the journey back to Hereford – no mean feat for a man of eighty!  Not surprisingly, he was in very poor health after this ordeal.   By 9th June Fr Kemble and Fr Lewis were back in their respective gaols, Hereford and Usk.

John Wall was hanged, drawn and quartered at Red Hill near Worcester on 22nd August 1679.  On the same day, at Widemarsh Common, Hereford, Fr John Kemble was executed.  Less than a week later, on 27th August, Fr David Lewis was martyred at Usk, in Monmouthshire. 

As far as I can ascertain, Fr Roger Hanslip was reprieved.  If anyone knows differently, I would be very pleased to hear from you.

*While working on the English Mission, John Wall used several aliases, including Francis Johnson, Francis Webb and Francis Dromore.