Wednesday, 9 December 2009




  1. This is very powerful! I wish that the more priests were as outspoken as Fr. Casey!

    Most of the churches here in the states don't have communion rails, do your churches still have them? Oh how I wish we still had them, every knee should bow at the name of Jesus and as we receive Him in the Sacred Host.

    Great post, thank you.

  2. Hi Daily Grace
    Yes, I agree with you, this video is very powerful. I also think more priests should be as full of fire as Fr Casey when it comes to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. In our parish we are blessed to have Eucharistic Adoration every Friday from 7 a m to 9 p m and it never fails to amaze me at how many people, who could come, just don't bother. If the Pope came, we would fill football fields to overflowing (and rightly so) but why won't we turn up for Jesus Himself? That is a puzzle indeed! No, most churches in this country don't have altar rails anymore. Kneeling in something I can't do anymore anyway because I have a wonky knee. However, when I was able to kneel, I did it joyfully, so I feel certain Our Blessed Lord understands. God bless you.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog, great comments. There is nothing more irritating to me than the phrase, "Season's Greetings" it makes me grind my teeth! I'll do a photo of the sign on our Church for Sunday Silence.
    Fr. Casey is a lot like Fr. Corapi, we need more priests like them! Priests should always inspire their flock to greater holiness.
    I attend the Novus Ordo Mass, (not by choice) and am the only one who kneels for Communion; it would be nice if we used the Communion rails. They are still there, but the center section has been removed. I asked our priest if he would allow those who wish to kneel to use the rails and he said that to use them would be to draw attention to ones self and take away the proper attention to Our Lord in the Eucharist. Sigh. I think he doesn't understand that if he publicly made it an option that quite a few people would use it.

  4. Hello Shirley & Welcome
    I agree with you 100%, priests should inspire us to holiness. I am old enough to remember the days of the "Fire & Brimstone" sermons and I think a little of that today wouldn't go amiss. (Not too much of it though!) Last July, I, by accident, attended a Latin Mass. The priest celebrated with his back to the people, wore a biretta, the whole thing! The church didn't have altar rails but they arranged the two front pews to form an altar rail and everyone knelt to receive Holy Communion. Everyone, that is, except me - I have a wonky knee so kneeling is out of the question for me now. I guess we all have our own preferences so we just have to be tolerant and respect each other. Otherwise, we could end up hanging, drawing & quartering people again. That's what happened in this country in the 16th & 17th centuries.
    Thanks for looking in & for your comments. God bless you, Shirley.
