Thursday, 30 September 2010


I had not planned to post today. Today I was just going to take it easy and look in on some of my favourite blogs. However, what I found at BATTLEMENTS OF RUBIES has changed my mind. Clare has done a wonderful post and I think you all should take a look at it here. Thanks, Clare, and keep up the good work.


  1. Thank you very much for this, Breadgirl. I have sent a comment to Clare and also to Pastor Gilbart-Smith. What a splendid initiative!

  2. Thank you Breadgirl ( and Dorothy!)
    I was at the 40 days vigil again today, this time with the children. It's a really wonderful initiative and it's great to make connections with other pro lifers.
    I really think this could gather pace, and hopefully, when 40 days is over, we can continue what has been started.

  3. I had read Clare's post earlier. Thank you for linking it. Also thank you for your visit. I did so enjoy the link you offered!!! It was very humorous! Wishing you well!! Cathy

  4. Thanks for the link, Breadgirl. I was pretty saddened by the abortion statistics in the UK, I didn't realize they were so high. America and the UK have a lot to answer for.

  5. Hello Friends

    Thank you all for your comments. I am glad that you had a look at Clare's blog. Abortion is such a serious issue and people like Clare do so much to show the shocking truth of it.

    God bless you all.
