Sunday, 21 November 2010


Is martyrdom a thing of the past? Unfortunately it is not! This beautiful, innocent little boy, named Adam, is a recent Christian martyr. For more information on the horrific story of this dear little boy, go to Richard's excellent blog, LINEN ON THE HEDGEROW, where I found it. You will be horrified and disturbed by Richard's post. It is right that you and I, who sit here all snug and comfortable taking our religion and all its gifts very much for granted, should be horrified and disturbed by it. We can and must pray for our persecuted Christian brethren but is there something else that we can do? Is anyone acting to help them? If you know of a group, government, or organisation who is trying to help, I would be pleased to hear about them and post the information for all to see.


  1. This is truly sad Breadgirl. I recently posted it up on my blog too.


  2. Hello Stephen

    It is lovely to hear from you again.

    It is too sad for words isn't it. I for one cannot believe that a human being can do that to a child. In my opinion, it begs the question, are such people human? God help them all.

    Thanks for visiting Stephen. God bless you.


  4. Good Morning Bryn

    Thanks for visiting. You are so right, he is a sweet little angel. Looking at his happy little face is heartbreaking. Everyone in that country, Christian and otherwise, needs our prayers. May God help them all.

    Thanks for taking the time to comment. It is appreciated. God bless you, Bryn.

  5. Truly shocking! May the little one rest in peace.

    Persecution of Christians is a very real problem in many parts of the world today unfortunately, particularly Muslim countries and communist countries. Aid to the Church in Need is a Catholic organisation that works for persecuted Christians. They do some marvellous work in many countries, and I'm proud to say I am one of their supporters.

    Thanks for following my blog breadgirl.

    Best wishes,

  6. Hello JI

    Welcome! It is nice to hear from you.

    Yes, I do know about the wonderful work done by Aid to the Church in Need but I am glad that you reminded me about it. I have now posted a link in my sidebar so thank you for reminding me.

    This little boy's story is so sad. As I have said, it is just beyond words.

    God bless you, JI.

  7. Shocking story.
    I admire the Christians of Islamic countries for their steadfastness and courage.
    I remember reading somewhere that "the Church was built on the blood of the martyrs" or something like that.

  8. Good Morning Kiran Ignatius

    Thanks for visiting and for taking the time to comment.

    This evil act is beyond comprehension.

    According to Stephen's excellent blog, "The Blood of the Martyrs" that quote is from Tertullian. Have a look at Stephen's very interesting blog at where you will find news of martyrs from the past but also much news of the continuing martyrdom and persecution of Christians around the world.

    God bless you, Kiran Ignatius.
