Monday, 12 March 2012


Noreen at "Rosary Mom" has posted an excellent piece on our own St David Lewis. Go over and take a look. Noreen's site is an excellent one so you will find many interesting, informative and entertaining articles there. Here is the link for "ROSARY MOM"

Another site definitely worth looking into is Richard's "Stabat Mater". If you haven't already had a look at Richard's blog you should waste no more time and get over there now. Here is the link for "STABAT MATER".

Although "ROSARY MOM" and "STABAT MATER" originate on different continents, they are both good blogs sharing Catholic insights. I think you will find them as interesting as I do.


  1. Thank you Breadgirl. God bless. Richard

  2. Thanks Richard.

    I am happy to be able to do it. It is an excellent site so keep up the good work.

    God bless you & your family.
