Sunday, 12 August 2012


St David Lewis depicted in a stained glass window in the Catholic Church, Porth-y-Carne St, Usk

The Annual Pilgrimage in honour of St David Lewis will take place on Sunday 26th August 2012.  The programme is as follows:

3:00 p m:  Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at the Catholic Church of SS Francis Xavier and St David Lewis, Porth-y-Carne St, Usk.
Ss Francis Xavier  & David Lewis Church, Porth-y-Carne St, Usk

Immediately Following Benediction, there will be a procession to the Martyr's grave at the Priory Church of St Mary, Usk.
The grave of St David Lewis, Priory Church, Usk

After a short service at the graveside, refreshments will be served in the Parish Hall, Porth-y-Carne St.


  1. Hi, breadgirl!

    I just wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for the Leibster Blog Award. Just read over the questions posted on my blog and then answer either on my blog or yours (or preferably both)! Feel free to do so whenever you get the chance so that you can claim your award ;-)

    God Bless,

    P.S. I love the legend of St. John Kemble and the Kemble pipe being smoked as the last pipe of the evening in taverns. It's so deliciously British!

  2. Hi Pearl

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I am not getting as much time at the computer as I would like & I am trying (not too successfully at times) to keep the posts going.

    Thanks for the award & I will do the required as soon as I can.

    The 'Kemble Pipe' & the 'Kemble Cup' are a lovely little remembrance of a brave, wonderful & holy priest. It is lovely, as you say.

    Thanks again, Pearl & God bless you.

  3. Much appreciate you sharing this
