Wednesday, 10 June 2020


We are on home ground with these two pre-reformation martyrs.  Ss Julius and Aaron were martyred at Caerleon, which is just 7 miles from Usk, where our own St David Lewis died for the faith in 1679.

Most of what is known about Ss Julius and Aaron we glean from the writings of Bede.  In his 'History of the English Church and Peoples', Bede writes "In the same persecution (as Alban) suffered Aaron and Julius, citizens of the City of Legions."  Not too much else is known about the two martyrs.  Some legends maintain that that were Roman soldiers who were converted by the priest, Amphibalus, after his escape from Verulamium.  Some hold the belief that Aaron was a native Briton, and Julius a Roman.  It is thought that, dying soon after Alban, they were probably victims of the Diocletian persecution.  
Catholic Church of Saints Julius, Aaron
and David, Caerleon
The Catholic Church in Caerleon is dedicated to Ss Julius and Aaron.  In Wales, their feast day is celebrated with St Alban on 20th June. 

1 comment:

  1. You are welcome Kam. It is nice to hear from you. I hope you and yours are keeping safe and well during this very difficult time.
